Bought ES but haven't a clue what to do!

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Bought ES but haven't a clue what to do!

Post by richartdh »

I'm trying to simply save cube prefabs that the player can add to a scene and then, after exiting, load the same scene with the prefabs in their positions and rotations. I've tried following tuts, forum threads, examples etc. but for the life of me I cannot get a single thing to work!

Can someone post a quick setup guide to point me in the right direction, please?

The game is a single scene but it is VR and I'm using Playmaker and SteamVR.

Do I need to build the game for things to be saved/loaded or can I test in unity editor?

Is Easy Save compatible with VR setups?

I think, if I could be shown how to do this using a test scene with a plane, a prefab cube and Easy Save then I would at least have a basic understanding of how this thing works and I could transfer this to my game.

Whats' the workflow?

Help, Please :(
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Re: Bought ES but haven't a clue what to do!

Post by Joel »

Hi there,

The easiest way to achieve what you want would be to add an ES3AutoSave component to your prefab (see this guide), and then right-click it and press Enable Easy Save for Prefab, which will track when instances of the prefab are created.

If you've followed these instructions and it's still not working, please could you PM me a basic project so I can understand what's happening?

Note that it being a VR project should make no difference to a serialiser.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Re: Bought ES but haven't a clue what to do!

Post by richartdh »

Thanks, Joel, for the quick reply.
I think I need to re-arrange my project scene because the 'prefabs' I am using are actually not prefabs but game objects which are already in the scene. The way I have it set up is that the user (VR using the right controller) can touch an object (cube) and it will create a copy that can be placed on a table in the scene. This 'copy' of the cube object will then be given children and its tag will be changed before the player then clicks on the table to place the copy cube down. So, the copy is actually a NEW and different object to the original and it will not be a prefab. It will contain children, it will have been rotated differently to the original and it will have a new tag to the original. It is this NEW game object I want to save and load. This cube will be one of many that the player will be adding to the scene. It is named (in the scene) as [original cube name](clone) and also this NEW copy can also be copied by the player and thus it will be named [original cube name](clone)(clone) ... and this can be cloned any number of times - (i might need to create some way of renaming the new cubes so I don't end up with a scene with objects cloned dozens of times over... [cube name](clone)(clone)(clone)(clone)(clone)(clone)(clone)(clone)(clone)(clone) ad infinitum

could do with some advice

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Re: Bought ES but haven't a clue what to do!

Post by Joel »

Hi there,

In this case you might be able to just use the ES3AutoSave component to save and load the GameObject, but it will only be able to save Components on the GameObject which are explicitly supported (i.e. types which are built-in to Easy Save, or ones which you've added explicit support for in the Types pane). Note that if you have children, you should also check the Save Children checkbox on the ES3AutoSave component.

Generally it's suggested to use prefabs however, as it allows the parts which aren't serialisable (or parts which are too intensive to serialise) to be loaded with the prefab, rather than serialised to disk.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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