Hypothetical Sync() exceptions

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Hypothetical Sync() exceptions

Post by millspch »

I'm trying to figure out what information we have in userland for knowing when es3 disk I/O fails.

We of course want to prevent player data corruption, unlikely as it may be.

ES3 provides us with CreateBackup/RestoreBackup to help with this, but how can we tell when we need to restore from a backup?

The specific scenarios I have in mind are:
- On app startup (expect to find a functional save file, but it's corrupt in some way)
- On sync/shutdown (sync failed)

Exceptions I could use that I've been able to find in the documentation:
-ES3.Load()/LoadInto(): "a KeyNotFoundException or FileNotFoundException will be thrown if the data does not exist"

Other behavior we could perhaps use to check:
-ES3.KeyExists(): false if it doesn't exist, but does a save delete-then-write, or does it just overwrite? Might keys exist even if the sync failed?
-ES3.FileExists(): false if it doesn't, but can a failed sync trigger this?
-ES3.RestoreBackup(): returns true if it restored, false if no backup found

Am I missing something? Does Sync() throw exceptions?

With the above, I feel like I need to write some sort of check into the code (value validation) or the files (CRC-style) to ensure that they've survived save/load correctly.

Is there a better way?
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Re: Hypothetical Sync() exceptions

Post by Joel »

Hi there,

Generally if any exception is thrown at runtime then this is an indication that something went wrong.

However, with regards to I/O exceptions, we simply use the exceptions thrown by .NET. This throws a System.IOException, but it could also throw an EndOfStreamException, IndexOutOfRangeException, NullReferenceException or CryptographicException depending on what has gone wrong (for example, if there is parseable data).

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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