❗❗❗ IMPORTANT: Order or Invoice Number is now required ❗❗❗

Discussion and help for Easy Save 3, The Complete Save Game & Data Serializer System for the Unity Engine
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Moodkie Staff
Posts: 5048
Joined: Wed Nov 07, 2012 10:32 pm

❗❗❗ IMPORTANT: Order or Invoice Number is now required ❗❗❗

Post by Joel »

We now require that your order or invoice number is entered into the "Asset Store Invoice Number or Order ID" field of your profile. This is not visible to other users and only visible to Moodkie staff.

To find your order number you can do the following:
  1. Go to https://assetstore.unity.com/ and sign into your Asset Store account if you're not already signed in.
  2. Click the profile icon in the top-right and select My Assets.
  3. Find Easy Save in this list and note down the date next to Purchased date.
  4. Click the profile icon in the top-right again but this time select Order History
  5. Find the order with the same date as your Easy Save purchased date and click View Order Details.
  6. You can find the Order Number at the top-left (you don't need to include the #).
To update your profile with this order number:
  1. When logged into the forums, click your profile in the top-right corner and select User Control Panel.
  2. Select the 'Profile' tab at the top.
  3. Enter your Order Number into the Asset Store Invoice Number or Order ID field and then press Submit.
Important: check that you have the correct number of licenses/seats for the number of people in your organisation using Easy Save. If multiple people use the same order number and you don't have multiple licenses, this will be flagged.
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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