Saving and Loading a Bool in Playmaker

Examples of using Easy Save 2 Playmaker actions to save and load.
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Moodkie Staff
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Saving and Loading a Bool in Playmaker

Post by Joel »

Saving and Loading a Bool in Playmaker

This sample scene shows a basic implementation of how to save and load a bool in Playmaker. It saves when the application quits, and loads whenever the FSM is started.

  • This example requires the Playmaker package to be present in the project.
  • Further explanation is included in the description of each state.
Save and Load a bool with Playmaker.unitypackage
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Re: Saving and Loading a Bool in Playmaker

Post by nabilfx »

Hi, i need to save my bool score, online then load and display the highest score with a touch of a buttom.
Is this possible with Save and Load a bool with Playmaker?
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Moodkie Staff
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Re: Saving and Loading a Bool in Playmaker

Post by Joel »

Hi there,

The uploading the score online part should definitely be possible using these instructions.

You could also achieve the sorting part with Easy Save, but you would need to download all of the scores and sort them at the Unity end.

You could also modify the MySQL queries in the ES2.php file to sort the data if you're experienced with MySQL and PHP, but as this isn't Easy Save's intended usage, we wouldn't really be able to provide much assistance with modifying the files.

All the best,
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