Can you use this on Xbox?

Easy Save 2 has been replaced by Easy Save 3, so is no longer supported.
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Can you use this on Xbox?

Post by Ultroman »

One of your reviewers mentioned: "it does not work on XBOX because of their DLLs policy."

I can't find any information about this anywhere. Does Easy Save 2/3 not work on Xbox 360/One?
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Re: Can you use this on Xbox?

Post by Joel »

Hi there,

Unfortunately we cannot support Xbox because they require us to have a prohibitively-expensive middleware license to use their storage API.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Re: Can you use this on Xbox?

Post by Ultroman »

Thank you very much for your reply!

That sounds like Micro$oft.

Is there anything I can throw money at, in order to add the functionality to EasySave myself?
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Re: Can you use this on Xbox?

Post by Joel »

The latest version of Easy Save 2 includes the source code, so you might be able to modify it to be compatible with the Xbox API (though I wouldn't be able to assist with this).

If you have access to an Xbox to build on, try building the latest version of Easy Save 2 for it, and let me know if it throws any errors. It might be that I can point you in the right direction, without actually referencing their API myself.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Re: Can you use this on Xbox?

Post by Ultroman »

Wow, that's awesome!

Thanks for being open to help a bit. Sadly, I don't have an Xbox myself (aside from ye olde original Xbox), and I don't know anyone who has one. I just wanted to pick your brain a little, since you have obviously looked into this, and I might want to port one of my games to the Xbox sooner or later.

I am interested in trying it out, though, so if I ever get my hands on one, I'll make sure to contact you. It would also be a great thing for Easy Save, to be able to say "Well, we can't officially implement it, but if you do this and that and throw some money over there, who knows what might happen?"
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Re: Can you use this on Xbox?

Post by zapposh »

I fully understand that Xbox related issues cannot be openly discussed in the forum, nor support offered an that platform for that matter.

That being said, getting ES2 to work with the Xbox One release of the game is the last hurdle of getting the Xbox ERA release finalized. So close and yet so far.
I would be very grateful, if someone who has got it to work (and from what I have read, some devs managed to make it work), could point me in the right direction via PM.

I have looked at the ES2 LoadSave() example function, with the

// Add your own code here to load the byte from the storage API.
var bytes = LoadFromStorageAPI();

but I'm still at a loss.

The game runs great with ES2 from PC to mobile platforms, but the Xbox version is problematic.
Thank you.