This example shows the basic usage of Easy Save's Save and Load actions for PlayMaker.
It uses the Save action to save a string variable, changes that variable to an empty string, and then reloads the original value using the Load action.
States are commented to describe what is happening.
Easy Save and PlayMaker should be installed in your project before importing this example. The example is located in Assets/Easy Save 3/Examples/.
All examples are only provided as an educational sample, and may need modification for your purposes. They are provided without warranty.
Please could you let me know what error you are receiving, and attach screenshots the FSM and actions you are using?
You should simply use the Save action to save the volume. I assume that your volume is represented by an int or float, so you should set the type field of the action to the correct type you are saving.
Then to load, simply use the Load action (with the corresponding type), using the same key as you used in the Save action.