Scripts of children not always saving

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Scripts of children not always saving

Post by tom8787 »

First of all: EasySave is fabulous! Saves me a ton of time.

I just ran into something strange. I have an inventory of several prefabs (building blocks, think "Minecraft"), that are instantiated at runtime.

Let's say that I have built BlockA-BlockB-BlockC. I save the thing to a JSON file (I use AutoSave), it works as a charm.
Just FYI: all block have child objects, and those child objects have scripts.

Now I build BlockA-BlockB-BlockB-BlockC. I save the thing to a JSON file, but the scripts of the children of the second BlockB are not saved (or not loaded, hard to tell). The first BlockB is okay, but not the second one. They are both instances of the same prefab.

Anyone any idea?
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Re: Scripts of children not always saving

Post by Joel »

Hi there,

It's not possible to tell what is happening from what you've said. Please could you create a brand new project with a basic, minimal scene which replicates your issue and private message it to me with instructions?

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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