Examples using PlayMaker. Note that to view these examples, you will need to have purchased PlayMaker.
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Post by Joel »

Hi there,

There's information on saving and loading prefab instances in the Saving and Loading GameObjects and Prefab Instances guide: ... s-prefabs/

You can use this to save an array of instances as well as specific instances.

Alternatively you could simply save arrays containing the the positions of each prefab, and another with the rotations of each prefab, and then use these to recreate your prefab.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Post by flibble »

Thanks for the reply.
All I can find in the docs about prefabs are these 4 lines and, as I'm being dense, they don't help at all.

Right-click the prefab and select Enable Easy Save for Prefab. -- Ok done

Use ES3.Save to save the instance, or an array of instances if you have multiple instances. -- What? Where? How do I reference the original Prefab from this instance? Where does the "Enable Easy Save for Prefab" get used?

To load, use ES3.Load or ES3.LoadInto. -- I'll assume this will click for me once I get the saving part straight in my head!

Easy Save will create an instance of the prefab if it doesn’t exist in the scene. -- cool

I've just found this thread: ... 2&start=10

Which is much the same as my problem, looks like it might be helpful as it sounds v similar to my project.

The trouble with docs are that when yourself reads them, they make perfect sense as you understand it inside & out already, some of use have a harder time joining the dots that you assume we can see! Some of us can't :) I'd really love (and I've seen others request it to) some video tutorials.
Some of us are very ""Monkey see, monkey do" :)
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Post by Joel »

Hi there,

You don't need to reference your original prefab, Easy Save manages that for you. You simply need to call ES3.Save on the prefab instance. When you then call ES3.Load, Easy Save will look to see if the instance exists: if it doesn't, it'll create an instance of the prefab and load into that.

Here is an example of it being used:

Code: Select all

public GameObject prefab;
List<GameObject> prefabInstances;

public void Start()
    // Create three prefab instances with different positions and rotations.
    prefabInstances.Add( Instantiate(prefab, new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f), new Quaternion(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f )) );
    prefabInstances.Add( Instantiate(prefab, new Vector3(2f, 2f, 2f), new Quaternion(2f, 2f, 2f, 2f )) );
    prefabInstances.Add( Instantiate(prefab, new Vector3(3f, 3f, 3f), new Quaternion(3f, 3f, 3f, 3f )) );

// Call this when you want to save
public void Save()
    ES3.Save("prefabInstances", prefabInstances);

// Call this when you want to load
public void Load()
    prefabInstances = ES3.Load("prefabInstances", prefabInstances);
Just to clarify, Enable Easy Save for Prefab simply adds an ES3Prefab Component to the prefab which allows Easy Save to understand the prefab the instance relates to.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Post by flibble »

Hi again,
Thanks for the super fast responses.

First off, sorry for placing this in the PlayMaker Examples thread, t'was not meant to be here.

The code you gave works but was what I was trying to avoid, it saves all kinds of data that it doesn't need to, my first test save with a bunch of hastily put together prefabs made of primitives, was 55MB in size. If I uncheck the "Save Children" box, its still 14MB and has also lots of info that I was hoping to avoid being saved, colliders, scale, lightmap settings etc etc, I was hoping that as nothing on the prefabs are ever altered, that the text of the save file would read something like:

"prefab" : "Birch0_1a" (The Birch Tree Prefab for example)
"localPosition" : {"x" : 0.14,"y" : 0.97, "z" : 1.58191335},
"localRotation" : {"x" : 0,"y" : 0,"z" : 0.28486082, "w" : 0.958568931},
"localScale" : {"x" : 1, "y" : 1,"z" : 1}

for each item saved, as that's all that it would need as nothing else ever changes.

I'll look instead at just saving just the list of objects myself and instantiating them some other way.
Thanks anyway :)
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Post by razeta101 »


Im working with playmaker and Game Creator (GC).

Is there a integration to work with GC or a tutorial. I'm currently having problems saving some of the GC componentes. Example.

NotSupportedException: Generic type "GameCreator.Core.SerializableDictionaryBase`2[System.Int32,UnityEngine.Behaviour]" is not supported by Easy Save.
ES3Internal.ES3TypeMgr.CreateES3Type (System.Type type, System.Boolean throwException) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3TypeMgr.cs:129)
ES3Internal.ES3TypeMgr.GetOrCreateES3Type (System.Type type, System.Boolean throwException) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3TypeMgr.cs:32)
ES3Types.ES3ObjectType.Write (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3ObjectType.cs:29)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:225)
ES3Writer.WriteProperty (System.String name, System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:290)
ES3Types.ES3Type.WriteProperties (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3Type.cs:81)
ES3Types.ES3ReflectedComponentType.WriteComponent (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/Reflected Types/ES3ReflectedComponentType.cs:16)
ES3Types.ES3ComponentType.WriteUnityObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3ComponentType.cs:31)
ES3Types.ES3UnityObjectType.WriteObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode mode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3UnityObjectType.cs:45)
ES3Types.ES3UnityObjectType.WriteUsingDerivedType (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode mode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3UnityObjectType.cs:115)
ES3Types.ES3UnityObjectType.WriteObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode mode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3UnityObjectType.cs:28)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:223)
ES3Types.ES3DictionaryType.Write (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/Collection Types/ES3DictionaryType.cs:61)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:212)
ES3Writer.WriteProperty (System.String name, System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:290)
ES3Writer.WriteProperty (System.String name, System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:280)
ES3Types.ES3UserType_StateMachineController.WriteComponent (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Easy Save 3/Types/ES3UserType_StateMachineController.cs:28)
ES3Types.ES3ComponentType.WriteUnityObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3ComponentType.cs:31)
ES3Types.ES3UnityObjectType.WriteObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode mode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3UnityObjectType.cs:45)
ES3Types.ES3UnityObjectType.WriteUsingDerivedType (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode mode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3UnityObjectType.cs:115)
ES3Types.ES3UnityObjectType.WriteObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode mode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3UnityObjectType.cs:28)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:223)
ES3Types.ES3DictionaryType.Write (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/Collection Types/ES3DictionaryType.cs:61)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:212)
ES3Writer.WriteProperty (System.String name, System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:290)
ES3Writer.WriteProperty (System.String name, System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:280)
ES3Types.ES3UserType_StateMachineController.WriteComponent (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Easy Save 3/Types/ES3UserType_StateMachineController.cs:28)
ES3Types.ES3ComponentType.WriteUnityObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3ComponentType.cs:31)
ES3Types.ES3UnityObjectType.WriteObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode mode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3UnityObjectType.cs:45)
ES3Types.ES3UnityObjectType.WriteUsingDerivedType (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode mode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3UnityObjectType.cs:115)
ES3Types.ES3UnityObjectType.WriteObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode mode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3UnityObjectType.cs:28)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:223)
ES3Types.ES3ListType.Write (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/Collection Types/ES3ListType.cs:29)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:206)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:161)
ES3Writer.WriteProperty (System.String name, System.Object value, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:266)
ES3Types.ES3Type_GameObject.WriteObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode mode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/Unity Types/ES3Type_GameObject.cs:71)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:223)
ES3Writer.WriteProperty (System.String name, System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:290)
ES3Types.ES3Type.WriteProperties (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3Type.cs:81)
ES3Types.ES3ReflectedObjectType.WriteObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/Reflected Types/ES3ReflectedObjectType.cs:20)
ES3Types.ES3ObjectType.Write (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3ObjectType.cs:35)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:225)
ES3Writer.WriteProperty (System.String name, System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:290)
ES3Types.ES3Type.WriteProperties (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3Type.cs:81)
ES3Types.ES3ReflectedObjectType.WriteObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/Reflected Types/ES3ReflectedObjectType.cs:20)
ES3Types.ES3ObjectType.Write (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3ObjectType.cs:35)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:225)
ES3Types.ES3DictionaryType.Write (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/Collection Types/ES3DictionaryType.cs:61)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:212)
ES3Writer.WriteProperty (System.String name, System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:290)
ES3Writer.WriteProperty (System.String name, System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:280)
ES3Writer.WritePrivateField (System.String name, System.Object objectContainingField) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:330)
ES3Types.ES3UserType_StateMachineController.WriteComponent (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Easy Save 3/Types/ES3UserType_StateMachineController.cs:27)
ES3Types.ES3ComponentType.WriteUnityObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3ComponentType.cs:31)
ES3Types.ES3UnityObjectType.WriteObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode mode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3UnityObjectType.cs:45)
ES3Types.ES3UnityObjectType.WriteUsingDerivedType (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode mode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3UnityObjectType.cs:115)
ES3Types.ES3UnityObjectType.WriteObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode mode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3UnityObjectType.cs:28)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:223)
ES3Types.ES3ListType.Write (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/Collection Types/ES3ListType.cs:29)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:206)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:161)
ES3Writer.WriteProperty (System.String name, System.Object value, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:266)
ES3Types.ES3Type_GameObject.WriteObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode mode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/Unity Types/ES3Type_GameObject.cs:71)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:223)
ES3Writer.WriteProperty (System.String name, System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:290)
ES3Types.ES3Type.WriteProperties (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3Type.cs:81)
ES3Types.ES3ReflectedObjectType.WriteObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/Reflected Types/ES3ReflectedObjectType.cs:20)
ES3Types.ES3ObjectType.Write (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3ObjectType.cs:35)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:225)
ES3Writer.WriteProperty (System.String name, System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:290)
ES3Types.ES3Type.WriteProperties (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3Type.cs:81)
ES3Types.ES3ReflectedObjectType.WriteObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/Reflected Types/ES3ReflectedObjectType.cs:20)
ES3Types.ES3ObjectType.Write (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3ObjectType.cs:35)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:225)
ES3Types.ES3DictionaryType.Write (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/Collection Types/ES3DictionaryType.cs:61)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:212)
ES3Writer.WriteProperty (System.String name, System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:290)
ES3Writer.WriteProperty (System.String name, System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:280)
ES3Writer.WritePrivateField (System.String name, System.Object objectContainingField) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:330)
ES3Types.ES3UserType_StateMachineController.WriteComponent (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Easy Save 3/Types/ES3UserType_StateMachineController.cs:27)
ES3Types.ES3ComponentType.WriteUnityObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3ComponentType.cs:31)
ES3Types.ES3UnityObjectType.WriteObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode mode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3UnityObjectType.cs:45)
ES3Types.ES3UnityObjectType.WriteUsingDerivedType (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode mode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3UnityObjectType.cs:115)
ES3Types.ES3UnityObjectType.WriteObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode mode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3UnityObjectType.cs:28)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:223)
ES3Types.ES3ListType.Write (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/Collection Types/ES3ListType.cs:29)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:206)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:161)
ES3Writer.WriteProperty (System.String name, System.Object value, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:266)
ES3Types.ES3Type_GameObject.WriteObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer, ES3+ReferenceMode mode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/Unity Types/ES3Type_GameObject.cs:71)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:223)
ES3Writer.WriteProperty (System.String name, System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.cs:290)
ES3Types.ES3Type.WriteProperties (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3Type.cs:81)
ES3Types.ES3ReflectedObjectType.WriteObject (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/Reflected Types/ES3ReflectedObjectType.cs:20)
ES3Types.ES3ObjectType.Write (System.Object obj, ES3Writer writer) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Types/ES3ObjectType.cs:35)
ES3Writer.Write (System.Object value, ES3Types.ES3Type type, ES3+ReferenceMode memberReferenceMode) (at Assets/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/Writers/ES3Writer.c<message truncated>

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Post by Joel »

Hi there,

I'm afraid we don't provide support for serializing specific assets (only the Unity API) because it would be their responsibility to make their classes serializable.

In this case it looks like they're using a custom Dictionary which isn't serializable. As a work around you might be able to get the keys and values from the Dictionary as separate arrays, and save these separately. Then when loading, you would use these to reconstruct the Dictionary.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Post by illustrator »


Could you add Playmaker example to save and load an image? For example there is UI element with image/sprite which needs to be saved and then loaded when game starts. I think this would be useful to know for many people.

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Post by Joel »

illustrator wrote: Tue Apr 12, 2022 5:25 am Hi

Could you add Playmaker example to save and load an image? For example there is UI element with image/sprite which needs to be saved and then loaded when game starts. I think this would be useful to know for many people.

Hi there,

I've created an example for you here:

Note that Sprites and Images are saved and loaded in the same way as any other data, and most of the actions in this example are simply to get the Sprite from the Image.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Post by Shizane »


My request is this:

Please make a PlayMaker example to trigger a float add number which gets displayed in GUI using UI Text Set Text and then Saved and Loaded with ES. I have the first part setup already of course but I'm not sure how to integrate ES into these states.

Thank you!
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Moodkie Staff
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Post by Joel »

Hi there,

As the only difference between this example and the existing Saving a Variable Example would be logic unassociated with Easy Save, I’m afraid we wouldn’t be able to produce this example as it would not benefit other customers.

However, if you haven’t already I recommend taking a look at the Saving and Loading a Variable example:

Essentially you just use your Float Add Number action to put the value into an Fsm Variable and then save and load this Fsm Variable using the Save and Load actions.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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