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ES + PlayMaker + 2018.3 = weird behavior

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 5:24 pm
by nFighter
I moved my project from Unity 2017 to 2018.3 and it works great on my computer, BUT...
... according to statistics it become totally broken for 2/3 of my players. As I could understand most of the problems somehow related to saving/loading data with EasySave. For now I found this issue:

1) when I put many Hash Table Easy Load in one action trying to load colors from file - it could return black color no matter what.
2) when I put all this actions in different nodes - they load correct colors.

I repeat, it somehow related to player hardware/OS. Very same build can work on Windows 10 Home and can have this issue on Win7/Win10Pro.


Why is it happening? What kind of solution could I have except splitting EVERY state in my project to series of states (I literally have hundreds of states containing two or more actions)? Could it be a part of the bigger problem I didn't understand yet?

Re: ES + PlayMaker + 2018.3 = weird behavior

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 5:30 pm
by Joel
Hi there,

Unfortunately "Hash Table Easy Load" is not an action created by us, so you will need to contact the creators of the action regarding this.

The only thing I can think is happening is that they have coded their action such that it will move to the next state regardless of whether all actions in that state have been processed.

All the best,

Re: ES + PlayMaker + 2018.3 = weird behavior

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 7:03 pm
by nFighter
Yep, I believe that it's a core playmaker/unity issue rather than something else. Like, seriously, it works fine on earlier unity versions and just stop working for some cases now... Still I'm going to keep in touch on both forums just in case someone else had this problem or will have it in future.

Re: ES + PlayMaker + 2018.3 = weird behavior

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 2:23 pm
by nFighter
I made a research and find the problem. Guess was right, it's a core Unity issue in a collaboration with PlayMaker approach.

In .NET 4 / 4.6 Unity editor use OS locale settings (i.e. commas instead of dots). It could brings errors when you use ArrayMaker (and other PM solutions that utilize proxy objects) or convert float/string/int. This topic is an example of what you can get because of that bug. So it's not an EasySave problem, but something that EasySave users could get using a PM integtration.

Here is the issue tracker and forum discussion around.
Bug was found in 2017, fixed in 2019.1... great job, unity team.

For those who can't just switch to 2019.1 the solution is roll back to .NET 2

Re: ES + PlayMaker + 2018.3 = weird behavior

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 2:27 pm
by Joel
Thanks for the clarification, hopefully this will help anyone who runs into the same issue.

All the best,