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Serialise private abstract fields

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 9:09 pm
by Joel

Added in 3.3.1




Currently if a class derives from an abstract class, any private fields in that abstract class will not be serialised when saving that class, even if it has a [SerializeField] attribute. This is because .NET does not treat the abstract class as it would a concrete parent class, so it doesn't not reflect the abstract class when getting properties.

This feature request asks that the [SerializeField] attribute is honoured. This would require use to a recurse through all parent classes to do so, which would decrease performance. As such, it is recommended that this is provided as a setting which is disabled by default.

Re: Serialise private abstract fields

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 4:38 pm
by Joel
This will be supported in 3.3.1