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Saving to Android - what's the missing link?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:15 pm
by TipOfTheDay
I'm sure this has been asked 100 times by now, there must be an easy link someone can just send me with a perfect little 5 min YouTube video walking through this (or some really simple step-by-step guide?).

Playmaker question, Android saving & loading.

I've just spent the last 3 hours trying every combination I can from various comments in these forums to get Android saving to work but no luck.

I simply want to track and update Player Stats in my game. That's all. If these values could be saved and loaded from a spreadsheet that would be even better. I feel like it sounds simple enough, and when building the game to Windows, Load and Save work just fine. But as soon as I build for Android.... it's become a nightmare for me :(

I wrote here a few weeks ago about loading files and I understand now that all of the .CSV spreadsheets I load for my Android game need to be stored in the Resources folder exclusively. So luckily I've gotten this to work perfectly. I can load and thank-you so much for that help! Life saver!

But when I try to save back into any spreadsheet, I'm met with the typical error of not being able to save to Resources. So digging around the forum I see a lot of convo about something called a Persistent Data Path. Ok, cool, no prob, in Unity I hit Window > Easy Save 3 > Tools > Open Persistent Data Path. I stick a copy of my CSV file in that folder to test saving to it. Failure. I try to load from that Persistent Data Path folder first (just like I would try to retrieve player stats so I can update them) and it just doesn't load anything. Probably because the file has to be in Resources instead of that Persistent Data Path. But if I can't write to Resources, how do I ever update the .CSV files inside of Resources while the game is being played?

I know I'm not using the proper technical terms so I apologize if what I'm asking sounds convoluted.

I feel stupid. I bought Easy Save 3 because I'm not a coder. I don't know what "Cache" is or a Persistent Data Path even. I just thought there would be an easy way to link a few actions together in an FSM and voila, I should have basic load/save in my mobile game. All of the advice in these forums seems so incredibly technical, asking about "debug logs" and "error handling". I envy the folks who ask for help, get one of these technical responses and just seem to understand and reply with "Great, that worked, thanks!" and nothing more.

I'm at the point I'm willing to pay separately some kind of fee for a tutorial video specific to Android mobile Save & Load using Playmaker actions. Or pay a "consulting fee" for an hour to just have someone on your tech team walk me through this :( I'm so sorry for being a bother, I apologize this is so difficult for me to understand. If anyone at Moodkie would like to follow-through with this consulting fee, I'm serious, please reach out to me. I've been working on this game for 3 months, there's no way I can just give up on it now because I can't figure out the most basic save function to update player stats. And psychologically, I don't know if I can handle another 3+ hours of trying this-and-that on my own hoping something works (which might not). Thank-you.

Re: Saving to Android - what's the missing link?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2022 7:38 pm
by Joel
Hi there, and sorry to hear you’ve been encountering issues.

Android requires no different code to any other platform when it comes to Easy Save, and we’ve had no reports of Android-specific issues.

Some Unity events are not supported in Android (for example OnApplicationQuit), so you should check that your own code is using events which are supported by Android. An easy way to test this is to put Debug Log actions before and after your ES3 actions so that logcat will show you whether they’re being called.

If this isn’t the issue please could you create a new project with a simple scene which replicates the issue and private message it to me with step by step instructions.

All the best,