Save Deleted After Editing Scene

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Save Deleted After Editing Scene

Post by Decko87 »

There seems to be a behavior where if I change anything within my current scene I'm working on my save is no longer available. I really do not want this behavior as I'm not saving scene data, I created a custom dictionary to handle most of the values in my scene and I store a Vector3 for the player's position. I'm finding it difficult to play test my scene and make changes without all of my data disappearing, it also concerns me because I'm worried about potentially updating my game after release and having issues. Are there settings to preclude this from occurring? I run a simple try catch with the following line inside: if (ES3.FileExists(ES3Settings.defaultSettings.path)) temp = ES3.Load<TowerSave>("towerSave");

Despite the file existing, and me having saved with this particular key, if I edit my scene at all, save the scene, and run the scene in the editor, it will come back the "TowerSave" temp will come back null. It will survive if I don't change anything in the scene, but that's not good enough. Let me know what I can do, I'm assuming I'm just not seeing something or I missed something obvious in the documentation.


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Re: Save Deleted After Editing Scene

Post by Joel »

Hi Derek,

We've had no reports of this, and have never seen behaviour like this before. It's certainly not part of our specification.

Firstly, please ensure there's nowhere else in your code which could be affecting the save data. For example, pieces of Easy Save code you've added elsewhere which might affect it.

If this isn't the issue, please could you replicate this in a new project with a simple scene and private message it to me with step-by-step instructions in order for me to replicate it.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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