How can i save a list of gameobjects?

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How can i save a list of gameobjects?

Post by Recktardeded »

Hello, i would like to save a list of gameobjects. each gameobject has a es3 gameobject with all the components checked. the loading function is called on awake and the gameobjects load, but it does not load the variables mannualy assigned as a prefab. Also, the gameobject uses a custom script that is dependent on last saved values, including a enum. I attatched the functions of the loading and saving inside the data manager and also the script of the gameobject:
public void Garden_SavePlantsList()
ES3.Save<List<GameObject>>("PlantList", garden_PlantedPlantsList);
Debug.Log("Saved plant");
public void Garden_LoadPlantsList()
garden_PlantedPlantsList = ES3.Load<List<GameObject>>("PlantList");
Debug.Log("loaded plant list");
public void Garden_AddToPlantsList(GameObject plantToAdd)
Debug.Log("added plant");
public void Garden_RemoveFromPlantsList(GameObject plantToRemove)
Debug.Log("removed plant");
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.VFX;

public class Garden_Plant_Planted : MonoBehaviour
public Garden_Plant_Visuals visuals;
public FruitType_SO plant_fruitType_SO;
public string plant_fruitName;
private float growing_timerInitialize = 1f;
private bool istree;
private enum Growing_Phases { Growing, Collecting, Ded }
private Growing_Phases plant_currentPhase;
private GameObject growing_fruitsMeshesToGrowFirst;
private GameObject growing_fruitsMeshesToGrowSecondary;
public float growing_currentTime { get; private set; }
private bool growing_Finished = false;
private float collecting_Lifetime;
private float collecting_MaxAmountGrownFruit;
private float collecting_fruitRegenTimerReference;
private float collecting_fruitRegenTimer;
public bool collecting_canCollect { get; private set; }
public int plant_fruit_grownAmount;

public GameObject fruit_prefabToThrow;
public float fruit_thrownDuration = 2f;
public GameObject fruit_GrownVisualPrefab;
public List<GameObject> fruit_visual;
private int previousElementsToEnable = 0;
public bool ded_canRemovePlant;
public Material Material_alive;
public Material Material_ded;
public float dedPlantLerpMaterialDuration;
private void Awake()
if (visuals == null)
visuals = gameObject.GetComponent<Garden_Plant_Visuals>();
private void Start()
istree = plant_fruitType_SO.isTree;
void Update()
switch (plant_currentPhase)
case Growing_Phases.Growing:
case Growing_Phases.Collecting:
case Growing_Phases.Ded:

collecting_canCollect = plant_fruit_grownAmount > 0;
public void InitializePlant(float newVal)
growing_currentTime = newVal;
growing_timerInitialize = newVal;
plant_fruitName =;
plant_fruitType_SO = GameManager.Instance.manager_Data.GetFruitType(plant_fruitName);
collecting_Lifetime = plant_fruitType_SO.plant_collect_plantLifeTime;
ded_canRemovePlant = false;
plant_currentPhase = Growing_Phases.Growing;
growing_Finished = false;
fruit_prefabToThrow = plant_fruitType_SO.Fruit_GeneralMesh;
collecting_fruitRegenTimerReference = plant_fruitType_SO.plant_collect_timeToRegenFruit;
collecting_fruitRegenTimer = plant_fruitType_SO.plant_collect_timeToRegenFruit;
growing_fruitsMeshesToGrowFirst = visuals.plant_meshestoGrowFirst;
if (visuals.plant_meshestoGrowSecond != null)
growing_fruitsMeshesToGrowSecondary = visuals.plant_meshestoGrowSecond;
int maxAmount = plant_fruitType_SO.plant_collect_maxCapacity;
int amountToRemove = GameManager.Instance.manager_Data_Upgradable.Plant_MaxAmoutToRemove;
int amountToAdd = GameManager.Instance.manager_Data_Upgradable.Plant_MaxAmoutToRemove;
collecting_MaxAmountGrownFruit = Random.Range(maxAmount - amountToRemove, maxAmount + amountToAdd);
collecting_MaxAmountGrownFruit = Random.Range(maxAmount - amountToRemove, maxAmount + amountToAdd);
fruit_GrownVisualPrefab = plant_fruitType_SO.Fruit_GeneralMesh;
private void Growing_Grow()
float scaleFactor = 1f - Mathf.Clamp01(growing_currentTime / Mathf.Max(0.001f, growing_timerInitialize));
if (growing_fruitsMeshesToGrowFirst != null)
growing_fruitsMeshesToGrowFirst.transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp( * 0.25f,, scaleFactor);
growing_currentTime -= Time.deltaTime;
if (growing_currentTime <= 0f && !growing_Finished && plant_currentPhase == Growing_Phases.Growing)
private void Growing_FinishGrowing()
if (growing_fruitsMeshesToGrowSecondary != null)
plant_currentPhase = Growing_Phases.Collecting;
growing_Finished = true;
public void Collecting_Collect()
{ //if shake treshold, start making fruit fall(as the shake float increases, the more they start to fall, so at start
// they don t fall until ex:500, but they start faling at every 50 increment, so at 550,600,etc)
GameManager.Instance.manager_Data.Fruit_Amount_Change(, 1);
public void Collecting_ApplyCollectingProperties()//grow fruits and check for lifetime
collecting_Lifetime -= 1 * Time.deltaTime;
if (collecting_Lifetime > 0)
plant_currentPhase = Growing_Phases.Collecting;
if (collecting_Lifetime <= 0)
collecting_canCollect = false;
plant_fruit_grownAmount = 0;
plant_currentPhase = Growing_Phases.Ded;
if (plant_fruit_grownAmount < collecting_MaxAmountGrownFruit)
// Decrease the timer by deltaTime
collecting_fruitRegenTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

// Check if the timer has reached zero
if (collecting_fruitRegenTimer <= 0f)
// Increase the number of cycles
// Reset the timer to 5 seconds
collecting_fruitRegenTimer = collecting_fruitRegenTimerReference;
private void Collecting_EnableAmountOfVisualFruit()
if (plant_fruit_grownAmount > previousElementsToEnable)
// add feel feedback for appearing

if (plant_fruit_grownAmount < previousElementsToEnable)
// Disable the difference between elementsToEnable and previousElementsToEnable
for (int i = plant_fruit_grownAmount; i <= previousElementsToEnable; i++)
if (istree)
GameObject newFruit = Instantiate(plant_fruitType_SO.Fruit_GeneralMesh, visuals.fruit_visualToEnable.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
newFruit.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().mass = 2.5f;

previousElementsToEnable = plant_fruit_grownAmount;

// Enable the necessary game objects randomly
if (plant_fruit_grownAmount < visuals.fruit_visualToEnable.Length)
// Create a list of indices to shuffle
List<int> indices = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < visuals.fruit_visualToEnable.Length; i++)

// Shuffle the indices
System.Random rng = new System.Random();
int n = indices.Count;
while (n > 1)
int k = rng.Next(n + 1);
int value = indices[k];
indices[k] = indices[n];
indices[n] = value;

// Enable the fruits based on the shuffled indices
for (int i = 0; i < plant_fruit_grownAmount; i++)
public void Ded_ApplyDed()
if (visuals != null)
var tempArrayOfMeshesToDiscolor = visuals.plant_MeshToApplyDedColor;
// Ensure the target material is set exactly when the duration is complete
foreach (GameObject mat_obj in tempArrayOfMeshesToDiscolor)
mat_obj.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Material_ded.color;
mat_obj.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.SetFloat("_Smoothness", 0f);
for (int i = 0; i < visuals.fruit_visualToEnable.Length; i++)
// Set the boolean to true after lerping is complete
ded_canRemovePlant = true;
public float Plant_ReturnCurrentLifetime()
return collecting_Lifetime;
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