After Updating ES3 Window (Settings Tab) Endless Loop

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After Updating ES3 Window (Settings Tab) Endless Loop

Post by threeguysgamestudio »

There's some kind of endless loop happening in the ES3 Window when I go to the settings tab. No errors occur, but I have a constant 'loading' circle as my mouse cursor.

It doesn't happen in the other tabs, however, when I try to change settings (like turn off autosave for a scene) they don't save.

I have other problems, too, however I'm not sure whether they're related to the fact that I can't turn off AutoSave, so one problem at a time.
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Re: After Updating ES3 Window (Settings Tab) Endless Loop

Post by Joel »

Hi there,

I've had no reports of this. Please could you PM me a basic project which replicates this?

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Re: After Updating ES3 Window (Settings Tab) Endless Loop

Post by threeguysgamestudio »

I'll see what I can do - the project it happened in is pretty large and it's not happening in some of my smaller projects, though the smaller ones are a fresh install of ES3 whereas the large one had it previously.

I have another question, though - for some reason I can't get LoadInto to work properly. ES3 just creates its own GameObject rather than copying the components into the Object I pass to it, so I end up with 2 objects - one is a prefab clone I instantiate myself in order to give ES3 a LoadInto target, the other is ES3's newly created object containing the saved component information.

Is there some reason ES3 wouldn't be loading the components into the Object I pass in in favor of just creating its own? (I can't let it create its own because there are prefab settings I need)

It's trying to do something...before the call to LoadInto, my GameObject's name is "Bucket(Clone)" as per normal prefab instantiation. After the call to LoadInto, the name has changed to the original saved object's name, and has been deactivated. Is LoadInto<GameObject> not supposed to also copy over the saved components (using Save<GameObject>) to an already existing object?
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Re: After Updating ES3 Window (Settings Tab) Endless Loop

Post by threeguysgamestudio »

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